by Pastor | May 13, 2024 | Pastoral Letters
Dear Beech Grove Community, I pray this message finds you well, with God’s grace upon you and your loved ones. As your pastor, I want to share some thoughts that reflect where we are as a church and where God might be leading us. You might have heard about the...To be a visible church without walls; strengthening our local community
Beech Grove UMC Vision
by connecting resources to needs through partnerships.
Join us as we provide and serve a delicious meal at the Salvation Army. Food is prepared at the church building one day, and then we finalize prep and serve the next. If you are interested in helping or would like more information contact the church office.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee oversees the pastor and all staff at Beech Grove. Committee meets quarterly, and dates can be seen on church calendar.
Responsible for physical and non-physical assets of the church. Ensures the building and property are in proper working order. Should you notice something wrong with the building please contact the church office and we will notify the Trustees.
Oversees the finances of the church. Ensures accounts are well kept, builds and maintains the yearly budget of the church, and facilitates giving.
The Church Council handles all of the administrative business of the church. They keep track of the church finances, building, and other areas to align the ministries of the church with the church’s vision. Church Council normally meets the 2nd Sunday every other month.
Beech Grove supports our intellectually disabled adult community with an annual week-long stay at Camp Rainbow Connection. Campers experience a variety of fun and challenging events that embody our Christian community and values. Learn more at https://vaumc.org/crc/ and consider becoming a Staff Volunteer!
Beech Grove supports the Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk (CAPS). This organization cares for the poor and homeless community in the City of Suffolk. They assist through rent or bill relief, winter shelter, and
Beech Grove supports the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This is a relief organization that works nationally and internationally in the midst of disasters. We collect donations for UMCOR throughout the year especially following natural disasters. We also collect supplies for kits sent around the world to help in relief. 100% of your donations go straight to relief. To make a donation go to our giving page.
The Blessing Box is located on Driver Lane in front of the church. Take what you need and leave what you can food box.
Rise Against Hunger is an international non-profit seeking to end world hunger, through raising money for education and packing meals. Beech Grove has partnered with Rise Against Hunger for several years and has a yearly packing drive. For our 2024 Packing Drive, we are seeking to collect $8,000 for our event in August 2024.