Worship With Us This Sunday

let us join in praise

Sundays at 10:30am – In-Person

Virtual Worship at 4 pm


Sunday, January 26, 2025

At Beech Grove, we seek to embody this spirit of worship as we live into this expression of our faith. We hope that you will join us for worship as a manner of not just expressing your faith, but as an experience of the community of faith at Beech Grove UMC.

We offer three worship opportunities each week. Join us each week to praise and worship God through music and liturgy, as well as to hear a God-inspired word reflected from scripture.

*REMINDER: Worship for this Sunday will be posted to live premiere Sunday Afternoons around 4pm, you can join live at that point, or join later as desired.


This Week’s Bulletin

Give Online

Sermon Notes

Welcome to the Online Space for our Worship Services

While there is nothing quite like attending a service in person, we strive to make several service elements available here on our website for those who cannot attend physically. You may give online, download sermon notes, and even access this week’s bulletin document to stay informed and connected about all that is happening in the life and ministry of Beech Grove UMC.

sundays at beech grove umc

Other Opportunities

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School

During our 10:30 AM worship service each week, we offer a children’s Sunday School class as well as nursery. Nursery is available for the entire service, while all other children go to Sunday School after the children’s message concludes. 

Praise Choir

Praise Choir Details

Our Praise Choir sings blended worship music, incorporating many hymns you know and love, and some more modern, contemporary music. If you enjoy singing and fellowship we practice Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm, and sing at our Sunday morning worship at 10:30 AM.

Adult Sunday School

Sunday School Details

Meeting every Sunday at 9:00 AM in the Annex (the brick building next to the church). Each week we dive deeper into scripture and have conversations about what we can learn in God’s Word for us.