Roots: Rediscovering Our United Methodist Roots

Ordinary Season After Pentecost

Series Synopsis:

**Series formed with assistance from:

United Methodism is one of many expressions of faith, and in gathering as United Methodists, we recognize what brings us together. Roots give us the stability and nourishment we need to grow and break new ground. As we seek to grow in our faith as individuals and as the church, looking back at the deep roots of the Methodist movement can help us look forward to our future. More than mere traditions or rituals, our Methodist roots are evidence of God’s Spirit moving through our history, the same Spirit who is breathing life into us today.

May 26 – Trinity Sunday

Theme: Christian Affirmation

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-20

Main Idea: The original affirmation of our faith, is that of affirming our belief in the Lordship and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. This affirmation rests at the heart of our faith, and informs how we interact with God and one another. Through Paul’s affirmation of what is at the heart of our faith, we create space for the work that flows through us and our expression of faith.

June 2

Theme: Our Theological Task

Scripture: Hebrew 5:12-6:12

Main Idea: Our theological task, within our faith is to learn and grow in our understanding of our most basic Christian affirmation and what that means for us. Hebrew’s invites us to recognize what within our faith is necessary for growth. In the Methodist tradition we often view what is called, The Quadrilateral, to help us in our growth of faith. We draw from different areas of faith, to help us grow as we more deeply understand scripture.

June 9

Theme: Baptism

Scripture: John 3:1-17

Main Idea: Baptism is God’s cleansing of our original sin, initiation into Christ’s Holy Church, incorporation into the body of Christ, and empowerment by the Holy Spirit for a lifelong process of discipleship in community. Through Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, we gain understanding, of what being a part of God’s Kingdom means within our faith.

June 16

Theme: Grace

Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-10

Main Idea: Grace is a gift from God given freely to all people, and because of this gift we are saved. This grace is the spark that makes the Methodist fire burn, the starting point and an essential root of our theology.

June 23

Theme: Personal and Social Holiness

Scripture: Micah 6:6-8

Main Idea: John Wesley, said “There is no holiness but social holiness.” Salvation and a full life in Christ are seen in personal and social holiness. This holiness calls us to a missional connection with our communities and the world.

June 30

Theme: Holy Conferencing

Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17

Main Idea: In the United Methodist Church, holy conferencing focuses on the ability of laity and clergy to come together and discuss and discern difficult topics guided by the Holy Spirit, which can be a witness to the world. The local church can also engage in holy conferencing through its ministry and decision-making.

July 7

Theme: Communion

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Main Idea: In the United Methodist Church, communion is a means of grace and a holy mystery where Christ is spiritually present and the invitation is open to all.

July 14 – Vacation Bible School Celebration – Stand Alone Week

Theme: Camp Firelight

Scripture: Psalm 56:1-4

Will be working with Shary Zirkle and Patty Yandle to plan a VBS celebration service.

To be a visible church without walls; strengthening our local community
by connecting resources to needs through partnerships

Beech Grove UMC Vision